EXCLUSIVE: Journalist Ralph Blumenthal talks New York Times latest UFO coverage

When the New York Times published the piece titled “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program” on Dec. 16 2017 it was a paradigm shift in the way the public and mainstream press outlets presented stories on UFOs.

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INTERVIEW: Peter Levenda on secret history, UFOs, new 'Sekret Machines'

As an esoteric academic who has studied the world’s history through a lens that focuses on the obvious and the underlying elements of historical narratives, Peter Levenda’s expertise on religion, the occult, mythology and the UFO phenomena make him one of the unexplained’s greatest assets.

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'On the Trail of Bigfoot' a big-time series for Small Town Monsters

Seth Breedlove’s films and non-fiction series have always been a hidden gem in the world of cryptozoology, but Small Town Monsters’ latest production “On The Trail Of Bigfoot” may just be the definitive documentary on Bigfoot.

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INTERVIEW: Don Siedenburg details full military experiment with alien serum

As a new recruit in the military an undersized enlistee was given a mysterious serum that helped give an ordinary man some extraordinary abilities. No, this isn’t Captain America’s origin, but the story of Don Siedenburg; a man who claims he was fed an alien food source as part of a military experiment in the 1950s.

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INTERVIEW: Bigfoot researcher Ron Morehead looks to quantum answers

Ron Morehead has been in pursuit of Bigfoot for over 45 years at this point, and the veteran cryptozoology adventurer has evolved his focus on the elusive creature. His latest book “The Quantum Bigfoot” is a deeper dive into trying to figure out what exactly Bigfoot is, and how spirituality can combine with newer science. For someone who has spent so much time in the woods all over the world researching Sasquatch, he’s able to simplify the complicated concepts of quantum physics in the book.

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